Monthly Archives: February 2012

Leap Day

Four Leap Days ago, I got engaged to the lady who is now my wife, and has been for the last sixteen years.

We decided on February the 29th because it’s kind of special, and we thought we were special. So, we did a special thing on a special day, and lived to tell the tale.

Now it’s leap day again, and I’ve gone and done something special again . . . I know, call me reckless, call me impetuous, headstrong and foolhardy, but I can’t help myself. It’s like every sixteen years, I have do something rash.

So, what have I done, I can hear you all asking . . . Well, I’ll tell you: Last night, I uploaded my novel to Amazon KDP, so it will go live on the site sometime today.

The process was pretty painless and easy, until it got to the point where I had to choose two categories for the book. I looked at what was available, and found there was no Romantic Comedy Thriller category, there was no Small World, Big Adventure category, there was no Lad Lit But Women Will Like It category, there was no  . . . well, you get the picture. So, I ended up listing it under General Fiction and Humour, which doesn’t really cut it but they’ll have to do.

So, now I’m waiting for it to go live and make its Leap Day debut.

I wonder what I’ll do four Leap Days from now . . .

The Devil and Edward Teach

Ken Preston’s new book is out today on the Kindle. Ken is a terrific writer, so The Devil and Edward Teach is a must buy. Download a copy today and make a happy guy very old . . . or the other way around. US UK

Welcome World

You can tell from the title of this post, I’ve got pretty lofty ambitions for this blog . . . Yeah right, like the world’s gonna be interested. But there’s nothing wrong with thinking big.

Anyway, among other stuff, I’m going to chart my progress here as I enter the world of indie publishing with my novel, Trinity. It’s been a long journey. First draft of the novel took eight months to complete. Many more subsequent drafts and revisions have been done over the years I’ve been submitting the novel to agents and publishers. It even got accepted for publication by a small publishing house that promptly went out of business before printing one copy. So, it was back onto the submissions treadmill, where I would wait for months at a time to hear back from an agent or publisher.

The last publisher who requested the full manuscript, kept me waiting for ten months before rejecting it. That was when I decided I would publish it myself. And that, dear world, is what I am going to do.